1013. Segway key, uses iButton technology
The original Segways used color coded keys that determined the speed of the vehicle, black for beginners, yellow for intermediate, and red for advanced.
1014. Stair saw, for making stair treads and starting dado cuts
1015. Cornering tool
1016. This was part of a display of barrel making tools, it's a barrel header, used to force the head into a wooden barrel.
1017a. Armillary sphere
1017b. Another version of the same device, circa 1750:
1017c. This is an instrument for studying the motion of the planet Mercury, made in Florence, Italy in 1582.
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1018. Spoke dog, used to pull a spoke into the proper position to enter the hole in the felloe of a wooden wagon wheel, it's marked "J.C. Brown Mfg. Co. Butler, Ind".
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